2013 Session

Budget Bill - SB800 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Central Capital Outlay

Item C-38.20

Item C-38.20

A. It is hereby authorized that each of the new capital projects or capital project supplements listed in the table below shall be added to one of the capital pool projects with project code numbers 17775, established pursuant to § 2.2-1520, Code of Virginia, with bond issuance authorized by § 4, Chapter 1, 2008 Special Session I Acts of Assembly;  17776, established pursuant to §2.2-1520, Code of Virginia, with bond issuance authorized by §2, Special Session I Acts of Assembly;  or 17861, established by Item C-85, Chapter 874, 2010 Acts of Assembly, to be funded through the existing authorization and appropriation provided for those projects.


Project or Equipment Supplement

George Mason University (247)

Equipment – Renovate Science and Technology Buildings I and II (17698)

George Mason University (247)

Equipment – Renovate Fine Arts Building (17697)

George Mason University (247)

Expand Central Utility Plant, Fairfax Campus (18043)

Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (720)

Cost Overrun – Replace Western State Hospital (17276)

Virginia State University (212)

Replace Water Storage Tank

Virginia State University (212)

Construct Erosion and Stormwater Control Facilities

Department of Corrections (799)

Acquire Office for Richmond Probation and Parole District

Norfolk State University (213)

Replace Brown Hall

B. From the list of projects included in paragraph A. of this Item, the Director, Department of Planning and Budget, shall provide the Chairmen of the Virginia College Building Authority and the Virginia Public Building Authority with the capital pool project designation for each specific project and the amount for each project to be funded by each authority within the dollar limit established for each capital pool project.