Committee Approved | | |
229#1s | VSU - Hire Additional Staff (Language Only) |
229#1h | VSU Adjust FTE (Language Only) |
229#2h | VSU HAC Package | $196,434 | $396,834 |
229#2s | Provide positions to support the Virginia Logistics Research Center (Language Only) |
229#3s | VSU - Reallocation Percentages (Language Only) |
229#4s | VSU - Faculty Salary Increase | $0 | $550,919 |
229#5s | VSU - Partially Redirect Degree Incentive Funding | -$166,739 | -$166,739 |
Conference Report | | |
229#1c | VSU - Hire Additional Staff (Language Only) |
229#2c | VSU Conference Package | $119,329 | $119,329 |
229#3c | Provide Positions to Support the Virginia Logistics Research Center (Language Only) |
229#4c | VSU - Faculty Salary Increase | $0 | $505,009 |