Item 67 | First Year - FY2011 | Second Year - FY2012 |
Administrative and Support Services (79900) | $1,050,376 | $1,050,376 |
General Management and Direction (79901) | FY2011 $436,337 | FY2012 $436,337 |
Accounting and Budgeting Services (79903) | FY2011 $614,039 | FY2012 $614,039 |
Fund Sources: | | |
General | FY2011 $1,050,376 | FY2012 $1,050,376 |
Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 2, Code of Virginia.
The Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM) shall conduct an actuarial audit of the State Health Insurance Program. DHRM shall select on a competitive basis and employ on a consulting basis an actuarial firm for the fulfillment of the duties set forth in this section. DHRM will be required to provide a report to the Governor and the Chairs of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by October 15, 2011. The audit shall provide a peer review of the self-funded plan benefits' liabilities and contribution strategies. Specifically, the audit shall: (1) review the reasonableness of actuarial methods, and accuracy of reports produced by the actuary; (2) opine on the appropriateness of funding strategies and any related items; (3) assess the data and methods used to establish rates; (4) evaluate the methods and assumptions used to estimate recent incurred but not reported (IBNR) liabilities, and other reserves/margins; (5) review and comment on actuarial models used to estimate the impact of plan changes, develop rates and budget projections, and monitor claims experience; (6) conduct a comparison of fully insured rates to those available in the marketplace; and (7) review any valuation results computed under GASB 43 and 45.