2011 Session

Budget Bill - SB800 (Introduced)

Supreme Court

Item 34

Item 34

First Year - FY2011Second Year - FY2012
Pre-Trial, Trial, and Appellate Processes (32100)$11,690,742$11,690,742
Appellate Review (32101)FY2011 $7,479,842FY2012 $7,479,842
Other Court Costs and Allowances (Criminal Fund) (32104)FY2011 $4,210,900FY2012 $4,210,900
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2011 $11,690,742FY2012 $11,690,742

Authority: Article VI, Sections 1 through 6, Constitution of Virginia; Title 17.1, Chapter 3 and § 19.2-163, Code of Virginia.

A. Out of the amounts for Appellate Review shall be paid:

1. The annual salary of the Chief Justice, $181,604 from July 1, 2010, to November 24, 2010, $181,604 from November 25, 2010, to November 24, 2011, and $181,604 from November 25, 2011, to June 30, 2012.

2. The annual salaries of the six (6) Associate Justices, each $170,339 from July 1, 2010, to November 24, 2010, $170,339 from November 25, 2010, to November 24, 2011, and $170,339 from November 25, 2011, to June 30, 2012.

3. To each justice, $13,500 the first year and $13,500 the second year, for expenses not otherwise reimbursed, said expenses to be paid out of the current appropriation to the Court.

B. There is hereby reappropriated the unexpended balance remaining at the close of business on June 30, 2010, in the appropriation made in Item 33, Chapter 781, Acts of Assembly of 2009, in the item detail Other Court Costs and Allowances (Criminal Fund) and the balance remaining in this item detail on June 30, 2011.

C. Out of the amounts appropriated in this Item, $4,200,000 the first year and $4,200,000 the second year from the general fund is included for increased reimbursements for court-appointed counsel pursuant to § 19.2-163, Code of Virginia.

D.  The Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia shall encourage training of Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court judges regarding the options available for court-ordered services for families in truancy cases prior to the initiation of other remedies.

E.  The Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia shall study the factors that have contributed to the growth in Criminal Fund payments made to attorneys certified to work as guardians ad litem and recommend options to moderate those costs.  The study should incorporate input from judges, attorneys, advocacy groups and other stakeholders. A report on this study shall be provided to the Governor, the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees, and the Director, Department of Planning and Budget, by October 1, 2011.