2010 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 436 Amendments

First Year - FY2011Second Year - FY2012
Member Request
436#1hExtend Use of I-66 Shoulder Lane (Language Only)
436#2hI -95/395 HOT Lanes (Language Only)
436#3hProhibit Further Use of GFs for Transportation (Language Only)
436#4hEliminates Maintenance as Top Priority of TTF (Language Only)
436#5hSound Walls at Dulles Rail Corridor Project (Language Only)
Committee Approved
436#1hSound Walls at Dulles Rail Corridor Project (Language Only)
436#2hVDOT Vegetation Policy (Language Only)
Floor Approved
436#1hSound Walls at Dulles Rail Corridor Project (Language Only)
436#2hVDOT Vegetation Policy (Language Only)
Conference Report
436#1cSound Walls at Dulles Rail Corridor Project (Language Only)
436#2cVDOT Vegetation Policy (Language Only)