2010 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Department of General Services

Item 73

Item 73

First Year - FY2011Second Year - FY2012
Transportation Pool Services (82300)sum sufficient
Fund Sources:  

Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 11, Article 7; § 2.2-120, Code of Virginia.

A. Included in statewide vehicle management services is an internal service fund derived from charges to agencies for those services. The estimated cost for this internal service fund is $16,500,000 the first year and $18,750,000 the second year.

B. In addition to providing services to state agencies and institutions, fleet management services may also be provided to local public bodies on a fee for service basis in accordance with established Department of General Services Fleet Management policies and procedures.

C.  The Department of General Services shall advance the consolidation of bulk and commercial fuel purchases into a single procurement action as recommended in the Vehicle Fleet Operational Review conducted in 2007.  The intent of this consolidation will be to leverage the Commonwealth's state and local public entities, gasoline and diesel fuel purchase volume into a single procurement action to achieve the most favored pricing from private sector fuel providers.