2010 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Department of General Services

Item 71

Item 71

First Year - FY2011Second Year - FY2012
Physical Plant Management Services (74100)$5,483,507$5,483,507
Parking Facilities Management (74105)FY2011 $3,328,104FY2012 $3,328,104
Statewide Building Management (74106)FY2011 $1,068,205FY2012 $1,068,205
Statewide Engineering and Architectural Services (74107)FY2011 $440,450FY2012 $440,450
Seat of Government Mail Services (74108)FY2011 $646,748FY2012 $646,748
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2011 $1,668,961FY2012 $1,668,961
SpecialFY2011 $3,814,546FY2012 $3,814,546

Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 11, Articles 4 and 6; § 58.1-3403, Code of Virginia.

A.1. Statewide Building Management includes an internal service fund. The amounts for this service area shall be paid solely from revenues derived for services. The estimated cost is $7,132,931 the first year and $7,239,493 the second year.

2. Also in Statewide Building Management is an internal service fund supported from revenues derived from rental charges assessed to occupants for seat-of-government buildings controlled, maintained and operated by the Department of General Services, excluding the building occupants that currently have maintenance service agreements with the department. The estimated cost for this service area is $30,408,000 the first year and $30,408,000 the second year for facilities at the seat of government, and a sum sufficient for maintenance and operation of such other state-owned facilities as the Governor or department may direct, as otherwise provided by law.

3. Further, out of the estimated cost for this service area, amounts estimated at $1,640,000 the first year and $1,640,000 the second year shall be paid for Payment in Lieu of Taxes. In addition to the amounts for the sum sufficient, the following sums, estimated at the amounts shown for this purpose, are included in the appropriations for the agencies identified:


FY 2011

FY 2012

Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control



Department of Forensics



Department of Game and Inland Fisheries



Department of Military Affairs



Department of Motor Vehicles



Department of State Police



Department of Taxation



Department of Transportation



Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired



State Corporation Commission



Virginia Employment Commission



Virginia Housing Development Authority



Virginia Museum of Fine Arts



Virginia Retirement System



Veterans Affairs









B.1. Statewide Engineering and Architectural Services include an internal service fund to support the Bureau of Capital Outlay Management. This internal service fund shall consist of the fees imposed upon state agencies and institutions of higher education for the review of architectural, mechanical, and life safety plans of capital outlay projects. The estimated total amount to be collected by this fund is a sum sufficient estimated at $3,350,000 in the first year and $3,500,000 in the second year.

2.  In administering this internal service fund, the Bureau of Capital Outlay Management (BCOM) shall provide capital project cost review services to state agencies and institutions and produce capital project cost analysis work product for the Department of Planning and Budget.  BCOM shall collect fees, consistent with those fees authorized in B.1, from state agencies and institutions for completed capital project cost review services or work product. 

C. Interest on the employee vehicle parking fund authorized by § 4-6.04 c of this act shall be added to the fund as earned.

D. Included in this Item is $261,004 the first year and $261,004 the second year from the general fund to maintain and oversee the Facility Inventory Condition and Assessment system.  The general fund dollars are to be supplemented by fees assessed to state agencies and institutions of higher education.  

E. The Department of General Services shall, in conjunction with affected agencies, develop, implement, and administer a consolidated mail function to process inbound and outbound mail for agencies located in the Richmond metropolitan area.  The consolidated mail function shall include the establishment of a centralized mail receiving and outbound processing location or locations, and the enhancement of mail security capabilities within these location(s).

F. All new and renovated state-owned facilities, if the renovations are in excess of 50 percent of the structure's assessed value, that are over 5,000 gross square feet shall be designed and constructed consistent with energy performance standards at least as stringent as the U.S. Green Building Councils LEED rating system or the Green Globes rating system.

G.  Effective July 1, 2009, the total service charge for the property known as the General Assembly Building and the State Capitol Building shall not exceed $70,000 per fiscal year.

H. The Department of General Services is authorized to make any repair or tenant buildout projects at the Main Street Centre facility up to $2,000,000 using rent plan funds.  Nongeneral fund revenues and balances required for this purpose are hereby appropriated.