Authority: Title 9.1, Chapter 1, Code of Virginia.
A.1. This appropriation includes an estimated $12,000,000 the first year and an estimated $12,000,000 the second year from federal funds pursuant to the Omnibus Crime Control Act of 1968, as amended. Of these amounts, nine percent is available for administration, and the remainder is available for grants to state agencies and local units of government. The remaining federal funds are to be passed through as grants to localities, with a required 25 percent local match. Also included in this appropriation is $729,930 the first year and $729,930 the second year from the general fund for the required matching funds for state agencies.
2. The Department of Criminal Justice Services shall provide a summary report on federal anti-crime and related grants which will require state general funds for matching purposes during fiscal year 2010 and beyond. The report shall include a list of each grant and grantee, the purpose of the grant, and the amount of federal and state funds recommended, organized by topical area and fiscal period. The report shall indicate whether each grant represents a new program or a renewal of an existing grant. Copies of this report shall be provided to the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees by January 1 of each year.
B. The Department of Criminal Justice Services is authorized to make grants and provide technical assistance out of this appropriation to state agencies, local governments, regional, and nonprofit organizations for the establishment and operation of programs for the following purposes and up to the amounts specified:
1.a. Regional training academies for criminal justice training, $528,240 the first year and $528,240 the second year from the general fund and an estimated $1,649,315 the first year and an estimated $1,649,315 the second year from nongeneral funds. The Criminal Justice Services Board shall adopt such rules as may reasonably be required for the distribution of funds and for the establishment, operation and service boundaries of state-supported regional criminal justice training academies.
b. The Board of Criminal Justice Services, consistent with § 9.1-102, Code of Virginia, and § 6VAC-20-20-61 of the Administrative Code, shall not approve or provide funding for the establishment of any new criminal justice training academy from July 1, 2010, through June 30, 2012, except that the Board may approve a new academy for Roanoke County, to be supported with local funds, consistent with the Agreement dated February 5, 2007, by and between the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, the Sheriff of Roanoke County, and the Cardinal Criminal Justice Academy.
c. The Board of Criminal Justice Services may approve a new criminal justice academy for Hanover County, to be supported with local funds, consistent with the Agreement dated October 17, 2008, by and between Hanover County, the Sheriff of Hanover County, and the Rappahannock Regional Criminal Justice Academy.
d. The Board of Criminal Justice Services may approve a new criminal justice academy for the City of Newport News, to be supported with local funds, consistent with an agreement established by and between the City Council of Newport News, the City Manager of Newport News, and the Hampton Roads Criminal Justice Training Academy.
2. Virginia Crime Victim-Witness Fund, $5,124,059 the first year and $5,124,059 the second year from dedicated special revenue, and $2,635,000 the first year and $2,635,000 the second year from the general fund. The Department of Criminal Justice Services shall provide a report on the current and projected status of federal, state and local funding for victim-witness programs supported by the Fund. Copies of the report shall be provided annually to the Secretary of Public Safety, the Department of Planning and Budget, and the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees by October 16, 2012.
3.a. Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) programs, $1,238,083 the first year and $1,238,083 the second year from the general fund.
b. In the event that the federal government reduces or removes support for the CASA programs, the Governor is authorized to provide offsetting funding for those impacted programs out of the unappropriated balances in this Act.
C.1. Out of this appropriation, $23,408,828 the first year and $23,408,828 the second year from the general fund is authorized to make discretionary grants and to provide technical assistance to cities, counties or combinations thereof to develop, implement, operate and evaluate programs, services and facilities established pursuant to the Comprehensive Community Corrections Act for Local-Responsible Offenders (§ 53.1-182.1, Code of Virginia) and the Pretrial Services Act (§ 19.2-152.4, Code of Virginia). Out of these amounts, the Director, Department of Criminal Justice Services, is authorized to expend no more than five percent per year for state administration of these programs.
2. The Department of Criminal Justice Services, in conjunction with the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court and the Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission, shall conduct information and training sessions for judges and other judicial officials on the programs, services and facilities available through the Pretrial Services Act and the Comprehensive Community Corrections Act for Local-Responsible Offenders.
D. In the event the federal government should make available additional funds pursuant to the Violence Against Women Act, the department shall set aside 33 percent of such funds for competitive grants to programs providing services to domestic violence and sexual assault victims.
E. Subject to the conditions stated in this Item and with the prior written approval of the Director, Department of Planning and Budget, there is hereby reappropriated the unexpended balances remaining in the appropriations made in this Item on June 30, 2010, and June 30, 2011. These reappropriations shall be used only for the purposes of the original appropriation for grants made by the Criminal Justice Services Board. This provision shall apply to funds obligated to and in the possession of state agency subgrantees and the Department of Criminal Justice Services.
F.1. Out of this appropriation, $878,988 the first year and $878,988 the second year from the general fund and $1,710,000 the first year and $1,710,000 the second year from such federal funds as are available shall be deposited to the School Resource Officer Incentive Grants Fund established pursuant to § 9-171.1, Code of Virginia. Localities shall match these funds based on the composite index of local ability-to-pay. The department shall give priority to localities requesting school resource officers in high schools.
2. The Director, Department of Criminal Justice Services, is authorized to expend $357,285 the first year and $357,285 the second year from the School Resource Officer Incentive Grants Fund to operate the Virginia Center for School Safety, pursuant to § 9.1-110, Code of Virginia.
G. Included in the amounts appropriated in this Item is $382,500 the first year and $382,500 the second year from the general fund for grants to local sexual assault crisis centers (SACCs) to provide core and comprehensive services to victims of sexual violence.
H. Included in the amounts appropriated in this Item are $85,000 the first year and $85,000 the second year from the general fund for the Virginia Center for Policing Innovation to provide basic training for local law enforcement agencies in Virginia in immigration law and policy and Spanish language.
I.1. Out of the amounts appropriated for this Item, $350,000 the first year and $350,000 the second year from the general fund shall be distributed equally to the Southern Virginia Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force and the Northern Virginia Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force to expand the regional operations of these two task forces.
2. The Southern Virginia and Northern Virginia Internet Crimes Against Children Task Forces shall each complete a report on the actual expenditures and performance results achieved by the respective task forces during the first year. Copies of the task force reports shall be provided to the Secretary of Public Safety and the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees prior to the distribution of funds for the second year.