2010 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Chapter 874)

Virginia Community College System

Item 206

Item 206

First Year - FY2011Second Year - FY2012
Economic Development Services (53400)$50,062,611$50,062,611
Apprenticeship Program (53409)FY2011 $1,211,982FY2012 $1,211,982
Management of Workforce Development Program Services (53427)FY2011 $48,850,629FY2012 $48,850,629
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2011 $1,211,982FY2012 $1,211,982
Higher Education OperatingFY2011 $48,850,629FY2012 $48,850,629

A. Out of this appropriation, $48,850,629 and 38 positions the first year, and $48,850,629 and 38 positions the second year from nongeneral funds is provided for the administration and implementation of workforce development programs as part of the federal Workforce Investment Act.