Item 186 | First Year - FY2011 | Second Year - FY2012 |
Higher Education Auxiliary Enterprises (80900) a sum sufficient, estimated at | $35,501,494 | $37,081,494 |
Food Services (80910) | FY2011 $6,881,229 | FY2012 $7,371,229 |
Bookstores and other Stores (80920) | FY2011 $3,172,057 | FY2012 $3,172,057 |
Residential Services (80930) | FY2011 $9,855,697 | FY2012 $10,455,697 |
Telecommunications Systems and Services (80950) | FY2011 $884,725 | FY2012 $884,725 |
Student Health Services (80960) | FY2011 $569,044 | FY2012 $569,044 |
Student Unions and Recreational Facilities (80970) | FY2011 $1,525,031 | FY2012 $1,575,031 |
Recreational and Intramural Programs (80980) | FY2011 $1,946,299 | FY2012 $1,946,299 |
Other Enterprise Functions (80990) | FY2011 $9,078,262 | FY2012 $9,518,262 |
Intercollegiate Athletics (80995) | FY2011 $1,589,150 | FY2012 $1,589,150 |
Fund Sources: | | |
Higher Education Operating | FY2011 $32,864,513 | FY2012 $34,444,513 |
Debt Service | FY2011 $2,636,981 | FY2012 $2,636,981 |
Authority: Title 23, Chapter 9.2, Code of Virginia.