2008 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 56 Amendments

First Year - FY2009Second Year - FY2010
Member Request
56#1hTRIAD Crime Prevention for Senior Citizens$140,000$140,000
56#2hFull-Time Gang and Violent Crimes Prosecutor for the Shenandoah Valley$110,000$110,000
56#3hHB 1189-Attorney General's Office$1,500,000$1,500,000
Committee Approved
56#1hTRIAD Crime Prevention for Senior Citizens$140,000$140,000
56#2hMerge CASC into OAG$452,208$452,208
Floor Approved
56#1hTRIAD Crime Prevention for Senior Citizens$140,000$140,000
56#2hMerge CASC into OAG$452,208$452,208
Conference Report
56#1cTRIAD Crime Prevention for Senior Citizens$140,000$140,000