Member Request | | |
306#1s | Medicaid Impact of Increase in AG Grant to $1,915 | $53,642,400 | $53,642,400 |
306#2s | Increase Personal Needs Allowance to $50 | $1,900,000 | $1,900,000 |
306#3s | Exempt Behavioral Health Drugs from Medicaid PDL | $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 |
306#4s | MR and Day Support Waiver 4.2% Rate Increase | $37,200,000 | $77,000,000 |
306#5s | Enhanced NICU Payments for Inova Fairfax | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 |
306#6s | Exempt Immunosuppressive Drugs from Medicaid PDL (Language Only) |
306#7s | DD Waiver Case Management Rate Increase | $825,006 | $825,006 |
306#8s | Add 1,000 MR Waiver Slots | $34,621,500 | $69,666,000 |
306#9s | Add 300 DD Waiver Slots | $3,205,500 | $3,205,500 |
306#10s | Medicaid Incentives for Healthy (Language Only) |
306#11s | Modify Medicaid Eligibility Related to Life Estate Resources (Language Only) |
306#12s | 10% Increase in Medicaid Rates for Personal & Skilled Care | $31,579,816 | $43,181,710 |
306#13s | Increase Medicaid Ambulance Rates to Medicare Level | $13,000,000 | $13,000,000 |
306#14s | Presumptive Medicaid Eligibility for Prenatal Services (Language Only) |
306#15s | Psychiatric Services Rate Increases | $7,627,118 | $8,000,000 |
306#16s | Add 1,450 MR Waiver Slots | $45,933,700 | $91,831,400 |
306#17s | 10% Increase in Medicaid for Consumer-Directed Personal Care | $5,200,000 | $5,200,000 |
306#18s | Increase Medicaid Rate for Supported Employment | $3,000,000 | $3,000,000 |
306#19s | Rate Increase for Personal Care Services | $10,120,362 | $10,120,362 |
306#20s | Enhanced NICU Payments for Children's Hospital | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 |
306#21s | Medicaid for Foster Care Youth Transitioning to Independence | $1,500,000 | $1,500,000 |
306#22s | Medicaid for Foster Care Youth Transitioning to Independence | $1,500,000 | $1,500,000 |
306#23s | Medicaid Reimbursement for Adult Day Health Care | $1,658,000 | $1,658,000 |
306#24s | Adjust Dates for Reporting Requirements on AMP (Language Only) |
306#25s | Funding for Northern Virginia PACE Program | $250,000 | $0 |
Committee Approved | | |
306#1s | Increase Medicaid Rate for Supported Employment (Language Only) |
306#2s | Increase Medicaid Recoveries for Merck Settlement (Language Only) |
306#3s | Restore PDL Exemption for Antidepressants and Antianxiety Medications | $1,930,000 | $1,930,000 |
306#4s | Medicaid Eligibility Related to Life Estates (Language Only) |
306#5s | Presumptive Medicaid Eligibility for Prenatal Services (Language Only) |
306#6s | Adjust Dates for Reporting Requirements on AMP (Language Only) |
306#7s | Capture Medicaid Savings | -$2,500,000 | -$2,500,000 |
306#8s | Reduce Inflation for Nursing Facilities | -$11,486,486 | -$11,670,270 |
306#9s | Reduce Inflation for Inpatient Hospital Services | -$28,466,666 | -$30,800,000 |
Conference Report | | |
306#1c | Increase Medicaid Recoveries for Merck Settlement (Language Only) |
306#2c | Exempt Behavioral Health Drugs from Medicaid PDL | $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 |
306#3c | Realign Medicaid Rate for Supported Employment (Language Only) |
306#4c | Adjust Dates for Reporting on AMP (Language Only) |
306#5c | Revise Estimate of Medicaid Payments | -$19,000,000 | -$19,000,000 |
306#6c | Medicaid Eligibility Related to Life Estates (Language Only) |
306#7c | Add 600 MR Waiver Slots | $18,757,050 | $25,240,650 |
306#8c | 10% Strategic Contribution Payment for Medicaid (Language Only) |
306#9c | Medicaid Incentives for Healthy Lifestyles (Language Only) |
306#10c | Nursing Home Rate Reductions | -$11,486,112 | -$11,669,888 |
306#11c | MR Waiver Congregate Care 3.6% Rate Increase | $10,000,000 | $10,000,000 |
306#12c | Reduce Inflation for Inpatient Hospital Services | -$28,466,666 | -$30,800,000 |