Member Request | | |
213#1s | Fund Dental Hygiene Associate Degree Program at Thomas Nelson Community College | $1,200,000 | $1,200,000 |
213#2s | Supplement Nursing Pilot Program at Southside Virginia Community College | $150,000 | $150,000 |
213#3s | Fund Cost of In-State Tuition for Military Dependents in Community Colleges | $1,423,994 | $1,423,994 |
213#4s | Fund Operation and Maintenance Costs for New Buildings Coming On-Line | $3,394,881 | $5,701,310 |
213#5s | Fund Campus Safety and Security | $3,385,500 | $2,083,980 |
213#6s | Support Enrollment Growth | $26,062,554 | $26,062,554 |
213#7s | Authorize Increase in Lease Area for NVCC (Language Only) |
Committee Approved | | |
213#1s | VCCS - Retain Partial Base Adequacy Funding | -$2,053,074 | -$2,053,074 |
213#2s | VCCS - Retain Partial Funding for Career Coaches and Middle College Programs | -$924,136 | -$924,137 |
Conference Report | | |
213#1c | VCCS - Retain Partial Base Adequacy Funding | -$3,753,107 | -$3,753,107 |
213#2c | VCCS - Restore Partial Funding for Nursing Workforce | $250,000 | $250,000 |
213#3c | VCCS - Defer Funding for Career Coaches and Middle College Programs | -$1,848,273 | -$1,848,273 |
213#4c | VCCS - Defer Funding for VIMSIM | -$200,000 | -$200,000 |
213#5c | VCCS - Faculty Split Language (Language Only) |