Authority: Discretionary Inclusion.
A.1. The amounts provided in this Item include funding for the Virginia Enterprise Applications Program (VEAP) Office. The VEAP Office shall be headed by a director, selected by the Governor to serve under a six-year contract. The VEAP Office Director shall be a state employee however his position shall not be considered an agency head for purposes of § 4-6.00 of this act. The Information Technology Investment Board shall review and approve the director's qualifications prior to finalizing the contract. The director shall report directly to the Governor.
2. The VEAP Office Director shall have all the powers necessary to direct the Commonwealth's efforts to modernize central administrative systems and common data repositories through the Enterprise Applications Services. Specifically, the director shall: (a) have authority to hire staff necessary to support the VEAP Office and such employees shall be considered state employees, except such positions shall be restricted to the life of the VEAP Office; (b) develop an implementation strategy with milestones, deliverables, and funding requirements for presentation to and approval by the Information Technology Investment Board and Governor; (c) plan, coordinate, monitor, and control individual agency involvement; (d) prioritize efforts and ensure the implementation strategy is executed as planned and approved; and (e) monitor development efforts and provide reports to the Governor, the Information Technology Investment Board, and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees, as requested.
3.a. All Executive Department agencies and institutions shall comply with the directives and requirements established by the Director.
b. For agencies whose enterprise applications management efforts are the responsibility of the VEAP Office, the VEAP Office shall have responsibility for operational decisions relative to the enterprise applications efforts.
4. Legislative, Judicial, Independent agencies, and institutions of higher education shall work cooperatively with the VEAP Office Director to ensure the successful completion of the Enterprise Applications Services activities.
5. The director shall make reports no less than quarterly as follows: (i) to the Governor and Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees on major aspects of the VEAP Office, including status of funding needs, areas of risk, and major problems and implications, and (ii) to the Information Technology Investment Board comparing actual performance to the milestones, deliverables, and funding in the approved implementation strategy.
6. As part of the implementation of the statewide enterprise application, the VEAP Office, with assistance from the Department of Planning and Budget, Department of Accounts, and the Department of Human Resources Management, shall review Executive Branch agencies to determine which agencies might join the Payroll Service Bureau or Fiscal Service Bureau at the Department of Accounts. Any savings created by this action, beyond the payment to the Department of Accounts for these services, shall be retained by the affected agency and reprogrammed for mission critical services.
B. 1. The amounts provided in this Item include funds to support the Enterprise Applications Master Services Interim Agreement between the Commonwealth of Virginia and CGI Technologies & Solutions, Inc. (CGI), have an Enterprise Applications Master Services Agreement. Notwithstanding any other provision of law except the limitations imposed by § 2.2-518, § 2.2-4803 and § 2.2-4806, Code of Virginia, Executive Department agencies and institutions may enter into management agreements with CGI for debt collection and cost recovery services pursuant to Statements of Work 6 and 7 of the Enterprise Applications Master Services Agreement. Work on enhanced collections and recoveries shall not proceed if they commit the Commonwealth to expanding or significantly altering any existing federal or state program without the review and approval of the Governor and General Assembly.
2. Moneys resulting from enhanced collections and cost recoveries pursuant to this Item shall be held in the Virginia Technology Infrastructure Fund as established by § 2.2-2023, Code of Virginia.
C. Any amounts other than the general fund dollars appropriated in this Item shall be held in the Virginia Technology Infrastructure Fund as established by § 2.2-2023, Code of Virginia, and shall only be available for the purpose of this Item after approval of their use by the Information Technology Investment Board.
1. The VEAP Office Director shall prepare a budget of administrative cost for the Information Technology Investment Board to review and consider providing such amount does not exceed the amount appropriated in this Item and any other amounts appropriated subject to this Item. The budget shall include the amount, if any, of salary and other costs that participating agencies will incur for their involvement in the business process and activity as set forth in paragraph A.2. The Information Technology Investment Board shall review and approve the budget and thereby release the funds for such use. The VEAP Office Director shall prepare and submit quarterly reports to the Department of Planning and Budget and the Information Technology Investment Board of how the VEAP Office Director is spending these funds.
2. Nothing in this Item shall prevent Executive Department agencies or institutions from committing resources to support the coordinated efforts of the VEAP Office. Such agency commitments shall be detailed in the VEAP Office Director's quarterly reports to the Department of Planning and Budget and the Information Technology Investment Board.
D. There is hereby appropriated a working capital advance of up to $30,000,000 to the VEAP Office in order to fund VEAP expenditures from anticipated revenues from enhanced collections and cost recoveries to be collected pursuant to this Item but which have not yet been deposited to the Virginia Technology Infrastructure Fund. The repayments of any such working capital advance shall be made from such enhanced collections and cost recoveries. No funds derived from this working capital advance shall be expended without the prior budget approval of the Information Technology Investment Board. The VEAP Office Director shall inform the Governor, the Chairmen of the House Appropriations, House Finance, and Senate Finance Committees of the anticipated use.
E. The Department of Planning and Budget shall not take any administrative actions to reduce these amounts without notification to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees.
F. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, including but not limited to the definition of “qualifying project” provided in § 56-575.1 of the Code of Virginia, the Governor or his designee may authorize any state agency to purchase goods or services aimed at increasing state government productivity or efficiency using the procurement procedures outlined in the Public-Private Educational Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002, codified at § 56-575.1 et seq., Code of Virginia.