2008 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Chapter 879)

Item 4-8.01

Item 4-8.01


§ 4-8.01 GOVERNOR

a. General:

1. The Governor shall submit the information specified in this section to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees on a monthly basis, or at such intervals as may be directed by said Chairmen, or as specified elsewhere in this act. The information on agency operating plans and expenditures as well as agency budget requests shall be submitted in such form, and by such method, including electronically, as may be mutually agreed upon. Such information shall be preserved for public inspection in the Department of Planning and Budget.

2. The Governor shall make available annually to the Chairmen of the Senate Finance, House Finance, and House Appropriations Committees a report concerning the receipt of any nongeneral funds above the amount(s) specifically appropriated, their sources, and the amounts for each agency affected.

b. Operating Appropriations Reports:

1. Status of Adjustments to Appropriations. Such information must include increases and decreases of appropriations or allotments, transfers and additional revenues. A report of appropriation transfers from one agency to another made pursuant to § 4-1.03 of this act shall be made to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by the tenth day of the month following that in which such transfer occurs, unless otherwise specified in § 4-1.03.

2. Status of each sum sufficient appropriation. The information must include the amount of expenditures for the period just completed and the revised estimates of expenditures for the remaining period of the current biennium, as well as an explanation of differences between the amount of the actual appropriation and actual and/or projected appropriations for each year of the current biennium.

3. Status of Economic Contingency Appropriation. The information must include actions taken related to the appropriation for economic contingency.

4. Status of Withholding Appropriations. The information must include amounts withheld and the agencies affected.

5. Status of reductions occurring in general and nongeneral fund revenues in relation to appropriations.

6. Status of approvals of deficits.

c. Employment Reports:

1. Status of changes in positions and employment of state agencies affected. The information must include the number of positions and the agencies affected.

2. Status of the employment by the Attorney General of special counsel in certain highway proceedings brought pursuant to Chapter 1 of Title 33.1, Code of Virginia, on behalf of the Commonwealth Transportation Commissioner, as authorized by § 2.2-510, Code of Virginia. This report shall include fees for special counsel for the respective county or city for which the expenditure is made and shall be submitted within 60 days of the close of the fiscal year (see § 4-5.02 a.3).

3. Changes in the level of compensation authorized pursuant to § 4-6.01 k, Employee Compensation. Such report shall include a list of the positions changed, the number of employees affected, the source and amount of funds, and the nature of the emergency.

d. Capital Appropriations Reports:

1. Status of progress of capital projects (see § 4-4.01 o).

2. Status of all capital projects authorized under § 4-4.01 m.

e. Services Reports:

Status of any exemptions by the State Council of Higher Education to policy which prohibits use of funds in this act for the operation of any academic program by any state institution of higher education, unless approved by the Council and included in the Governor's recommended budget, or approved by the General Assembly (see § 4-5.05 b 2).

f. Standard State Agency Abbreviations:

The Department of Planning and Budget shall be responsible for maintaining a list of standard abbreviations of the names of state agencies. The Department shall submit to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees, the State Comptroller, the Director, Department of Human Resource Management and the Chief Information Officer, Virginia Information Technologies Agency, on or before June 1 annually, a report on such standard abbreviations and any changes thereto.