2008 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Chapter 879)

Item 4-5.09

Item 4-5.09


a. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 2.2-1156, Code of Virginia, the departments, divisions, institutions, or agencies of the Commonwealth, or the Governor, shall sell or lease surplus real property only under the following circumstances:

1. Any emergency declared in accordance with §§ 44-146.18:2 or 44-146.28, Code of Virginia, or

2. Not less than thirty days after the Governor notifies, in writing, the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees regarding the planned conveyance, including a statement of the proceeds to be derived from such conveyance and the individual or entity taking title to such property.

3. Surplus property valued at less than $5,000,000 that is possessed and controlled by a public institution of higher education, pursuant to §§ 2.2-1149 and 2.2-1153, Code of Virginia.

b. In any circumstance provided for in subsection a of this section, the cognizant board or governing body of the agency or institution holding title or otherwise controlling the state-owned property shall approve, in writing, the proposed conveyance of the property.