Authority: §§ 27-56, 33.1-292, 46.2-1157 through 46.2-1187, 52-1, 52-4, 52-4.2, 52-4.3, 52-8, 52-8.1, 52-8.2, 52-8.4 and 56-334, Code of Virginia.
A. The Department shall provide a report on the utilization and performance of the positions provided in this and previous biennia for violent crime strike forces and for the state/local anti-crime partnership to the Governor and Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by October 1 of each year.
B. Included in this appropriation is $810,687 the first year and $810,687 the second year from Commonwealth Transportation Funds for the personal and associated nonpersonal services costs for eight positions. These positions will be dedicated to the I-95/395/495 Interchange Improvement Project. Commonwealth Transportation Funds to support these positions will remain available only until the completion of this project. This appropriation will be funded as part of State Highway Project No. 0095-029-F20 and Federal Project No. NH-95-2(410).
C. Included in this appropriation is $414,768 the first year and $414,768 the second year from the Commonwealth Transportation Fund to support 17 positions, all of which shall be Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Officers, that will be required to support operations at weigh stations statewide. The Department of Planning and Budget shall allot these funds on the basis of a plan submitted by the Department of State Police regarding operating hours of weigh stations statewide.
D. The Department of State Police shall modify the implementation of the division of drug law enforcement established pursuant to Chapter 600 of the Acts of Assembly of 2000, and shall redirect, as may be necessary, resources heretofore provided for that purpose by the General Assembly for the purposes of homeland security, the gathering of intelligence on terrorist activities, the preparation for response to a terrorist attack and any other activity determined by the Governor to be crucial to strengthening the preparedness of the Commonwealth against the threat of natural disasters and emergencies. Nothing in this item shall be construed to prohibit the Department of State Police from performing drug law enforcement or investigation as otherwise provided for by the Code of Virginia.
E. Included within this appropriation is $1,045,375 the first year and $1,045,375 the second year from the Rescue Squad Assistance Fund to support the Department's aviation (med-flight) operations.
F. In the event that special fund revenues for this Item exceed expenditures, the balance of such revenues may be used for air medical evacuation equipment improvements, information technology upgrades or for motor vehicle replacement.
G. Included in this appropriation is $110,000 the first year and $110,000 the second year from the general fund to increase traffic enforcement on Interstate 81. These funds shall be used to enhance existing efforts by providing overtime payments for extended and additional work shifts so as not to reduce the current level of State Police patrols on this and other public highways in the Commonwealth.
H.1. Out of this appropriation, $5,070,350 the first year and $3,729,650 the second year from the general fund is provided for the monitoring of offenders required to comply with the Sex Offender Registry requirements. The State Police shall designate an appropriate number of personnel across its divisional offices to oversee and administer each division's activities related to the requirements of the Sex Offender Registry as stipulated in Chapters 847 and 814 of the Acts of Assembly of 2006. The Department shall coordinate monitoring and verification activities related to registry requirements with other state and local law enforcement agencies that have responsibility for monitoring or supervising individuals who are also required to comply with the requirements of the Sex Offender Registry.
2. The Secretary of Public Safety, in conjunction with the Superintendent of State Police, shall report on the implementation of the monitoring of offenders required to comply with the Sex Offender Registry requirements. The report shall include at a minimum: (1) the number of verifications conducted by division; (2) the number of investigations of violations by division; (3) the status of coordination with other state and local law enforcement agencies activities to monitor Sex Offender Registry requirements; and (4) an update of the sex offender registration and monitoring section in the department's July 2005, "Manpower Augmentation Study." This report shall be provided to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by January 1, 2007.
I. Included within this appropriation is $200,000 from nongeneral funds the second year to be used by the Department of State Police to record revenue related to overtime work performed by troopers at the end of a fiscal year and for which reimbursement was not received by the department until the following fiscal year. The Department of Accounts shall establish a revenue code and fund detail for this revenue.
J. Included within this appropriation is $100,000 from the general fund the second year for the Department of State Police to enhance its capabilities in recruiting minority troopers. Funding is to support increased marketing and advertising efforts for recruiting minorities. The Department of State Police shall provide a report on its efforts to increase minority recruitment, hiring, and promotion, including: (i) trends over time based on available data, and (ii) an assessment to determine those strategies which have proven most successful in the past and which may be recommended in the future, including but not limited to marketing and advertising programs. Copies of this report shall be provided to the Governor and the General Assembly by October 1, 2007.
K. Included within this appropriation is $2,340,000 from the general fund the second year and $533,000 from nongeneral funds the second year for the additional employer contributions that the department will need to pay into the Virginia Retirement System as a result of the increase in the multiplier for the State Police Officers' Retirement System provided in Item 473 of this act.