2007 Session
Budget Bill - HB1650 (Chapter 847)
| First Year - FY2007 | Second Year - FY2008 |
Total For Department of the Treasury | $17,972,359 $18,040,859 | $17,141,036 $16,349,443 |
General Fund Positions | 46.50 | 46.50 |
Nongeneral Fund Positions | 76.50 | 76.50 |
Position Level | 123.00 | 123.00 |
Fund Sources: |
General | $9,688,512 | $8,851,264 $7,851,264 |
Special | $1,332,210 $727,959 | $1,332,210 $727,959 |
Commonwealth Transportation | $164,160 | $164,160 |
Trust and Agency | $6,787,477 $6,855,977 | $6,793,402 $7,001,809 |
Dedicated Special Revenue | $604,251 | $604,251 |
Grand Totals For Department of the Treasury includes Treasury Board | $384,876,712 $374,987,429 | $439,465,071 $437,469,583 |
General Fund Positions | 46.50 | 46.50 |
Nongeneral Fund Positions | 76.50 | 76.50 |
Position Level | 123.00 | 123.00 |
Fund Sources: |
General | $367,322,987 $357,365,204 | $421,906,935 $417,703,040 |
Special | $3,759,486 $3,155,235 | $3,757,972 $3,153,721 |
Higher Education Operating | $6,842,602 | $6,842,602 $8,842,602 |
Commonwealth Transportation | $164,160 | $164,160 |
Trust and Agency | $6,787,477 $6,855,977 | $6,793,402 $7,001,809 |