2007 Session

Budget Bill - SB750 (Introduced)

Virginia Information Technologies Agency

Item 425

Item 425

First Year - FY2007Second Year - FY2008
Technology Management Oversight Services (82800)$2,520,097$2,521,295
Technology Management Oversight Services (82801)FY2007 $2,520,097FY2008 $2,521,295
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2007 $2,498,488FY2008 $2,499,686
SpecialFY2007 $21,609FY2008 $21,609

Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 20.1, Code of Virginia.

Amounts for Security Services are $4,665,312 the first year and $4,665,312 the second year and represent an internal service fund that shall be paid solely from revenues derived from charges for services.