2007 Session

Budget Bill - SB750 (Introduced)

Department of Corrections

Item 385

Item 385

First Year - FY2007Second Year - FY2008
Operation of State Residential Community Correctional Facilities (36100)$19,482,412$19,482,412
Community Facility Management (36101)FY2007 $1,739,682FY2008 $1,739,682
Supervision and Management of Probates (36102)FY2007 $12,505,211FY2008 $12,505,211
Rehabilitation and Treatment Services - Community Residential Facilities (36103)FY2007 $1,732,023FY2008 $1,732,023
Medical and Clinical Services - Community Residential Facilities (36104)FY2007 $812,733FY2008 $812,733
Food Services - Community Residential Facilities (36105)FY2007 $1,180,075FY2008 $1,180,075
Physical Plant Services - Community Residential Facilities (36106)FY2007 $1,512,688FY2008 $1,512,688
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2007 $17,382,412FY2008 $17,382,412
SpecialFY2007 $2,100,000FY2008 $2,100,000

Authority:  §§ 53.1-67.2 through 53.1-67.8, Code of Virginia.

A. Included within this appropriation is $2,000,000 the first year and $2,000,000 the second year from nongeneral funds to be used for operating expenses of diversion centers operated by the Department of Corrections. The nongeneral funds are to come from the fees collected from probationers, assigned to the diversion centers, to cover a portion of the cost of housing them, pursuant to § 19.2-316.3 C, Code of Virginia.

B. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 53.1-67.1, Code of Virginia, the Department of Corrections shall not be required to operate a boot camp program for offenders placed on probation.

C. For felony offenders who are under post-release or probation supervision and who have been found to be in violation of any supervisory condition, the Department of Corrections shall provide community corrections residential facilities and programs for judges to use, at their option, for placement in lieu of commitment to the department to serve all or a portion of the offenders' remaining sentences.  Following a revocation hearing and a report based on the sentencing guidelines and the risk assessment instrument developed by the Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission, a judge may order such an offender to be confined in jail or in one of the facilities operated by the Department of Corrections.  While confined in jail or a community corrections facility, such offenders shall be eligible to participate in work release, public service, treatment, or rehabilitative programs as provided by § 53.1-131 of the Code of Virginia.

D.  The Secretary of Public Safety, in conjunction with the Director of the Department of Corrections, shall provide a status report on the implementation and operation of the jail transition programs administered by the department.  The report shall address: (1) the participating jails, date the jail joined the program, and whether the department or other organizations are contracted to administer the programs; (2) services provided to inmates participating in the program; (3) the status of inmates released from custody through the program in fiscal year 2005; (4) factors affecting utilization or expansion of the program;  (5) the impact of the program on the department's ability to address the backlog of state-responsible inmates in local and regional jails; and (6) the status and effectiveness of the Virginia Serious and Violent Offender Reentry (VASAVOR) program.   In addition, such report shall include an evaluation plan for determining the efficacy of the jail transition programs.  This report shall be provided to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees no later than October 16, 2006.