2006 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 443 Amendments

First Year - FY2007Second Year - FY2008
Member Request
443#1hGarrisonville Road Park and Ride Lot$250,000$0
443#1hGarrisonville Road Park and Ride Lot$250,000$0
443#2hBRAC Improvements Russell Rd. Gate$5,600,000$0
443#3hTransportation Impact Fees - Comm and Resid (Language Only)
443#4hTransp Impact Fees - Residential (Language Only)
443#5hTransp Fees - Comm and Resid (Language Only)
443#6hLocal Transp Fee - (Language Only)
443#7hRoute 100, Giles County (Language Only)
443#8hUse of I-81 Federal Earmarks (Language Only)
443#9hRelocation of Route 215$24,856,800$0
443#10hVirginia Defense Facility and Transportation Improvement Fund$125,000,000$125,000,000
443#11hI-95 HOV Re-Striping$8,000,000$0
443#13hRoute 1 Widening$54,000,000$0
443#14hRoute 15/29/17 Opal Interchange$33,000,000$0
443#15hRoute 28 Spot Improvements$2,000,000$0
443#16hHorner Rd Commuter Lot$4,000,000$0
443#18hAdditional 1/4 cent sales tax to transportation$258,600,000$271,250,000
443#19hDedicate Recordation Tax to Transportation$565,800,000$571,700,000
443#20hDedication of Insurance Premiums to Transportation$277,600,000$293,500,000
443#21hGainesville Bypass EIS (Language Only)
443#22hHorner Road Commuter Lot$4,800,000$0
Committee Approved
443#1hMove Highway Components of Package-$284,000,000$0