2006 Session

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Department of Fire Programs

Item 401

Item 401

First Year - FY2007Second Year - FY2008
Financial Assistance for Fire Services Programs (76400)$30,304,144$18,304,144
Fire Programs Fund Distribution (76401)FY2007 $17,023,144FY2008 $17,023,144
Burn Building Grants (76402)FY2007 $975,000FY2008 $975,000
Categorical Grants (76403)FY2007 $12,306,000FY2008 $306,000
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2007 $12,000,000FY2008 $0
SpecialFY2007 $18,304,144FY2008 $18,304,144

Authority: §§ 38.2-401 Code of Virginia

A.1. Included in this appropriation is $12,000,000 in the first year from the general fund for distribution to counties, cities, and towns, to support professional and volunteer fire departments.  Funding may be used for any purpose authorized by § 38.2-401, Code of Virginia, such as fire services equipment, training, supplies, and emergency medical care and personal protective equipment for fire personnel.  The appropriation from the general fund is intended to provide approximately two dollars for every three dollars from the Fire Programs Fund.

2.  One hundred percent of these funds will be allocated to localities using the same methodology as used to allocate funds from the Fire Programs Fund.