2006 Session

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

Eastern Virginia Medical School

Item 242

Item 242

First Year - FY2007Second Year - FY2008
Financial Assistance for Educational and General Services (11000)$16,689,353$16,689,353
Medical Education (11005)FY2007 $16,689,353FY2008 $16,689,353
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2007 $16,689,353FY2008 $16,689,353

Authority: Chapter 87, Acts of Assembly of 2002.

A.1. Out of this appropriation, state aid for the instructional programs for undergraduate medical education at Eastern Virginia Medical School is provided in the amount of $8,978,162 the first year and $8,978,162 the second year from the general fund. Funding is provided on the basis of an average enrollment of 292 in-state students.  The Medical School shall submit, to the Department of Planning and Budget on September 30 of each year, a report on in-state enrollment.

2.  Allotment of $4,229,454 in the second year is contingent upon approval by the Governor of a plan prepared and adopted by the Board of Visitors of the Eastern Virginia Medical School to strengthen joint academic, operational and management relationships with a major academic institution or medical center.

B. Out of this appropriation, a state grant in an amount not to exceed $894,298 the first year, and $894,298 the second year from the general fund is designated for the operation of the Family Practice Residency program and Family Practice Medical Student programs. This appropriation for Family Practice programs, whether ultimately implemented by contract, agreement or other means, is considered to be a grant.

C.1. It is the intent of the General Assembly that the Eastern Virginia Medical School, in conjunction with the University of Virginia and Virginia Commonwealth University, maintain its efforts to educate and train sufficient generalist physicians to meet the needs of the Commonwealth, recognizing the Commonwealth's need for generalist physicians in medically underserved regions of the state.  Further, it is the intent that the University support medical education and training in the principles of generalist medicine for all undergraduate medical students, regardless of their chosen specialty or field of study. 

2. Eastern Virginia Medical School, in conjunction with the University of Virginia and Virginia Commonwealth University, shall jointly collect and report on their production of generalist residents. The report shall be submitted biennially to the Secretary of Education and the State Council of Higher Education no later than October 1.

3. Reporting requirements shall be set forth by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia in consultation with Eastern Virginia Medical School, the University of Virginia, and Virginia Commonwealth University. 

4. The State Council shall, in consultation with Eastern Virginia Medical School, the University of Virginia, and Virginia Commonwealth University, provide a summary of the biennial report to the chairman of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by November 1, and shall include policy and funding recommendations, as appropriate, to address the need for medical education and training in the Commonwealth.

D. Out of this appropriation, $92,000 the first year and $92,000 the second year from the general fund is designated to support the Eastern Virginia Area Health Education Center.

E. This appropriation provides state aid of $6,158,108 in the first year and $6,158,108 in the second year from the general fund for treatment, care and maintenance of indigent Virginia patients through the medical school; the aid is to be apportioned on the basis of a plan having the prior written approval of the Director, Department of Medical Assistance Services.

F. The Medical School will account for financial activities based on generally accepted accounting principles for the health care industry and will report expenditures for indigent, medically indigent, and other patients. The Medical School shall report by October 31 annually to the Department of Medical Assistance Services on expenditures related to this Item.

G. It is the intent of the General Assembly to assist the three Virginia medical schools as they respond to changes in the need for delivery and financing of medical education, both undergraduate and graduate.