2006 Session

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

George Mason University

Item 162

Item 162

First Year - FY2007Second Year - FY2008
Educational and General Programs (10000)$300,104,943$307,840,365
Higher Education Instruction (100101)FY2007 $190,629,618FY2008 $198,186,098
Higher Education Public Services (100103)FY2007 $1,551,954FY2008 $1,551,954
Higher Education Academic Support (100104)FY2007 $37,857,011FY2008 $37,857,011
Higher Education Student Services (100105)FY2007 $16,950,038FY2008 $16,950,038
Higher Education Institutional Support (100106)FY2007 $30,155,794FY2008 $30,281,486
Operation and Maintenance of Plant (100107)FY2007 $22,960,528FY2008 $23,013,778
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2007 $130,961,485FY2008 $132,405,616
Higher Education OperatingFY2007 $169,143,458FY2008 $175,434,749

Authority: Title 23, Chapter 9.1, Code of Virginia.

A. This Item includes general and nongeneral fund appropriations to support institutional initiatives that help meet statewide goals as described in the Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act of 2005 (Chapters 933 and 945, 2005 Acts of Assembly). 

B. Out of this appropriation, an amount estimated at $289,614 from the general fund and $124,120 from nongeneral funds the first year and $289,614 from the general fund and $124,120 from nongeneral funds the second year is designated for the educational telecommunications project to provide graduate engineering education, subject to a plan approved by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.

C. Out of this appropriation, $459,125 the first year and $459,125 the second year from the general fund is designated for the Institute for Conflict Analysis

D. Out of this appropriation, $810,000 the first year and $810,000 the second year from the general fund is designated for the George Mason University School of Law. This appropriation includes funding for the National Center for Technology and the Law within the School of Law, instructional programs within the proposed Juris Master program, and expansion of School of Law activities.