2006 Session

Budget Bill - HB29 (Introduced)

Department of Criminal Justice Services

Item C-164.40

Item C-164.40 (Not set out)

First Year - FY2005Second Year - FY2006
Acquisition: New Northern Virginia Forensics Lab (17215)$1,991,800$0
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2005 $1,991,800FY2006 $0

1.  Included in this item is $1,991,800 the first year for purchase of the site for the new Northern Virginia Forensic Laboratory in Prince William County.

2.  Upon completion of the land acquisition authorized in paragraph 1. the Governor may enter into a public-private partnership for the planning, design and construction of a replacement facility for the Northern Virginia Forensic Laboratory pursuant to the Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 (§ 56-575.1 et seq. of the Code of Virginia).  The Department of General Services and other state agencies and institutions shall cooperate in the development of this plan, as needed.