2006 Session

Budget Bill - HB29 (Introduced)

Department of Emergency Management

Item C-165

Item C-165 (Not set out)

First Year - FY2005Second Year - FY2006
Equipment: Equip Emergency Operations Center (EOC) (16976)$0$6,851,000
Fund Sources:  
Federal TrustFY2005 $0FY2006 $5,138,000
Bond ProceedsFY2005 $0FY2006 $1,713,000

This appropriation includes $1,713,000 the second year from bond proceeds and $5,138,000 the second year from nongeneral funds for construction and equipment costs of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and the Fusion Center. The Department of Emergency Management is to receive prior approval from the Secretary of Public Safety and the Department of Planning and Budget before procuring equipment with this funding. The Department of Planning and Budget is authorized to transfer funding between this project and the Department of State Police’s capital project 16028 (Construct Combined Headquarters Addition/New Emergency Operations Center) to support the construction of the EOC and Fusion Center and the procurement of equipment for both the Departments of Emergency Management and State Police.