2004 Session

Budget Bill - SB29 (Introduced)

First Year - FY2003Second Year - FY2004
Total For University of Virginia$707,788,610$742,273,618
General Fund Positions1,822.201,764.44
Nongeneral Fund Positions4,730.754,868.35
Position Level6,552.956,632.79
Fund Sources:
Higher Education Operating$559,868,461$605,144,957
Debt Service$19,973,000$19,972,000
Grand Totals For University of Virginia includes University of Virginia Medical Center, University of Virginia's College at Wise$1,418,608,559$1,543,008,293
General Fund Positions1,974.291,911.53
Nongeneral Fund Positions9,047.589,233.56
Position Level11,021.8711,145.09
Fund Sources:
Higher Education Operating$1,232,431,099$1,367,675,595
Debt Service$48,319,465$48,668,465