2004 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Department of Environmental Quality

Item 388

Item 388

First Year - FY2005Second Year - FY2006
Environmental Technical and Financial Assistance (51500)$60,303,091$54,419,021
Litter Control and Recycling Activities (51501)FY2005 $7,014,761FY2006 $7,014,761
Financial Assistance for Environmental Resources Management (51502)FY2005 $637,202FY2006 $637,202
Construction Assistance Loans and Grants (51503)FY2005 $49,681,622FY2006 $43,929,122
Financial Assistance for Water Quality (51504)FY2005 $967,819FY2006 $836,249
Construction Assistance (51505)FY2005 $1,156,653FY2006 $1,156,653
Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator and Management Assistance (51506)FY2005 $203,893FY2006 $203,893
Financial Assistance for Coastal Resources Management (51507)FY2005 $569,000FY2006 $569,000
Prevention of and Response to Chemical Emergencies (51508)FY2005 $72,141FY2006 $72,141
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2005 $11,719,629FY2006 $5,835,559
SpecialFY2005 $28,293FY2006 $28,293
Dedicated Special RevenueFY2005 $22,513,963FY2006 $22,513,963
Federal TrustFY2005 $26,041,206FY2006 $26,041,206

Authority: Title 10.1, Chapters 11.1, 14, 15 and 21.1; Title 44, Chapter 3.5; Title 62.1, Chapters 3.1, 22, 23.2, 24 and 25, Code of Virginia.

A. The June 30, 2005 and June 30, 2006 unexpended balances for Construction Assistance are hereby reappropriated.

B. Out of the amounts provided for the Virginia Water Facilities Revolving Fund, the Department of Environmental Quality shall transfer $17,500 the first year and $15,000 the second year to the Town of Tangier for a comprehensive plan to clean up waste and ash piles found on the island and implement systems to assure compliance with state environmental protection requirements.

C. Out of the amounts for Environmental Technical and Financial Assistance, $100,000 the first year from the general fund shall be provided for the Commonwealth of Virginia to participate with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Cities of Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Virginia Beach in an effort to improve the water and sediment quality of the Elizabeth River.

D. Out of the amounts for Environmental Technical and Financial Assistance, $5,752,500 the first year from the general fund shall be deposited to the Virginia Water Quality Improvement Fund established under the Virginia Water Quality Improvement Act of 1997, Title 10.1, Chapter 21.1, Code of Virginia.

E. Contingent upon the passage of legislation related to the Virginia Natural and Historic Resources Fund, out of the amounts for Environmental Technical and Financial Assistance, $15,100,000 the first year and $15,100,000 the second year from nongeneral funds shall be appropriated from the Virginia Natural and Historic Resources Fund.