Item 286 (Not set out) | First Year - FY2003 | Second Year - FY2004 |
Tax Value Assistance to Localities (73400) | $1,126,532 | $1,124,963 |
Assessor Training and Education (73401) | FY2003 $81,401 | FY2004 $81,401 |
Local Valuations and Assessments (73404) | FY2003 $216,329 | FY2004 $216,329 |
Mapping Services (73405) | FY2003 $543,174 | FY2004 $541,605 |
Property Tax Assistance to Localities (73406) | FY2003 $53,500 | FY2004 $53,500 |
Valuation and Assessment of Public Service Corporations and Railroads (73407) | FY2003 $232,128 | FY2004 $232,128 |
Fund Sources: | | |
General | FY2003 $813,003 | FY2004 $811,434 |
Special | FY2003 $313,529 | FY2004 $313,529 |
Authority: Title 58.1, Chapters 32, 34, 35, 36, and 39 and §§ 58.1-202, subdivisions 6, 10, and 11, 58.1-206; §§ 58.1-2655, 58.1-3239, 58.1-3278, and 58.1-3374, Code of Virginia.
The Department is hereby authorized to recover from participating localities, as special funds, the direct costs associated with assessor/property tax and local valuation and assessments training classes. In accordance with § 58.1-206, Code of Virginia, the assessing officers and board members attending shall continue to be reimbursed for the actual expenses incurred by their attendance at the programs.