2001 Session

Budget Bill - SB800 (Introduced)

Governor's Employment and Training Department

Item 391

Item 391

First Year - FY2001Second Year - FY2002
Administrative and Support Services (47900)$668,889$480,500
General Management and Direction (47901)FY2001 $668,889FY2002 $480,500
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2001 $500FY2002 $500
Federal TrustFY2001 $668,389FY2002 $480,000

Authority: Title 2.1, Chapter 42, Code of Virginia; P.L. 102-235, P.L. 102-367, and P.L. 102-484, Federal Code, as amended; Title IV, Part A, of the Social Security Act, as amended, federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998.