2001 Session

Budget Bill - SB800 (Introduced)

Department of Social Services

Item 385

Item 385

First Year - FY2001Second Year - FY2002
Employment Assistance Services (46200)$72,303,684$71,268,684
Employment Services Payments (46207)FY2001 $9,000,000FY2002 $9,000,000
Financial Assistance for Employment Services (46209)FY2001 $11,450,133FY2002 $11,450,133
Individual and Family Economic Independence Services Through Employment Assistance Services (46210)FY2001 $51,853,551FY2002 $50,818,551
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2001 $22,394,657FY2002 $22,394,657
Federal TrustFY2001 $49,909,027FY2002 $48,874,027

Authority: Title 63.1, Chapters 6.2, 6.3, and 6.5, Code of Virginia; P.L. 104-193, as amended, P.L. 105-33, Federal Code; Title IV, Part A, of the federal Social Security Act; § 5001, federal Balanced Budget Act of 1997.

A. Included in the amount for Financial Assistance for Employment Services is $1,098,403 from the general fund and $2,164,708 from nongeneral funds the first year and $1,098,403 from the general fund and $2,164,708 from nongeneral funds the second year for services provided under the Food Stamp Employment Training Program.

B. The Department of Social Services, in collaboration with local departments of social services, shall maintain minimum performance standards for all local departments of social services participating in the Virginia Initiative for Employment, Not Welfare (VIEW) program. The Department shall allocate VIEW funds to local departments of social services based on these performance standards and VIEW caseloads. The allocation formula shall be developed and revised in cooperation with the local social services departments and the Department of Planning and Budget.

C. Out of the appropriation for this Item, $240,129 from nongeneral funds in the first year and $240,129 from nongeneral funds in the second year shall be provided to Russell County, in collaboration with other public and private entities, to develop and implement job placement, employment training, and skills training for participants in the Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare (VIEW) program. Funds from this appropriation may also be used in other contiguous localities (Planning District 1 and Planning District 2) with the approval of a steering committee composed of the directors of local departments of social services in the above-listed localities.

D. To the extent permitted by federal law, food stamp recipients subject to a work requirement pursuant to § 824 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, Public Law 104-193, as amended, shall be permitted to satisfy such work requirement by providing volunteer services to a public or private, nonprofit agency for the number of hours per month determined by dividing the household's monthly food stamp allotment by the federal minimum wage.

E. Out of the amount in Employment Services Payments, $500,000 from the general fund and $1,000,000 from nongeneral funds the first year and $500,000 from the general fund and $1,000,000 from nongeneral funds the second year are appropriated to assist noncustodial parents to prepare for, obtain, and retain employment through the Welfare-to-Work program. Any general fund amount in this Item appropriated and required to serve as match to legally committed federal Welfare-to-Work funds during the second year that is unexpended as of June 30, 2001, shall be carried forward and reappropriated for expenditure for the same purpose in the following year.

F. Out of this appropriation shall be provided $500,000 from the general fund the first year for a demonstration of Virginia Individual Development Accounts (VIDAs), tax-exempt accounts for participants in the Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare program and other TANF-eligible persons, when withdrawals are used to complete vocational school or college, purchase a home, or start a business. Sites will be established in five localities. The VIDA demonstration will be conducted with the cooperation of the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development, Virginia Department of Social Services, local departments of social services, Virginia Commonwealth University, and relevant nonprofit organizations. Any unexpended balance shall not revert to the general fund but shall be carried forward and reappropriated for the purpose of the demonstration. As long as the demonstration is operative, the Department shall provide a status report annually by December 1 of each year to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committee.

G. Out of this appropriation shall be provided $1,415,000 in nongeneral funds in the first year and $1,415,000 in nongeneral funds in the second year from the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant for child care training of TANF recipients or a TANF-eligible family member. Regional training shall be developed at Norfolk State University, Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia State University, the Virginia Community College System, and private nonprofit agencies in cooperation with the Department of Social Services, local social services departments, and the Virginia League of Social Service Executives.

H. The Department of Social Services shall maintain a plan for providing education, training, job-specific skills development, and other services to VIEW participants who have difficulty in finding and maintaining employment. The plan shall include (i) criteria that will be used to identify VIEW participants who are considered "hard to serve"; (ii) an estimate of how many VIEW participants are expected to receive special targeted services; (iii) a description of the types and amounts of education, training, and other services that will be offered to this population; (iv) methods for coordinating services among local departments of social services, private industry councils, and other public and private providers of service; and (v) a description of the conditions under which the federal TANF block grant, Welfare-to-Work grant, Workforce Investment Act funds, and any other source of funds for this purpose will be used to pay for services. The Plan shall be updated as appropriate and made available upon request.

I.1. Out of this appropriation shall be provided $100,000 the first year and $100,000 the second year from the federal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) block grant for post-secondary education of TANF recipients or a TANF-eligible family member. This program is for individuals who qualify for admission, and the program would increase their self-sufficiency and self-sustainability. A pilot program shall be developed at St. Paul's College.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections 2 a and 2 d of Item 390, if a local department of social services determines that a VIEW participant is in need of job skills, including postsecondary education, and would benefit, it may, with the participant's consent, exempt the participant from job search requirements and place the participant in a postsecondary education program, targeted to skills required for particular employment opportunities in the locality. Eligible participants include those with problems related to obtaining and retaining employment, but who meet the necessary postsecondary entrance requirements. The postsecondary education program shall be for a minimum of 12 credit hours per week. Prior to placing the VIEW participant in the postsecondary educational program, the local department of social services shall have a memorandum of understanding with one or more employers who agree to hire VIEW participants who successfully complete such programs, if, upon completion of such education program, a VIEW participant is qualified and the employer has an opening. The VIEW participant may continue in the postsecondary education program for as long as the local department of social services determines the participant is progressing satisfactorily and to the extent participation in such program would not subject the state to a financial penalty for noncompliance with the work requirements under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-193), as amended. Participants shall not be exempt from the Commonwealth's eight hour per week work requirement.