2001 Session

Budget Bill - SB800 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Department of Medical Assistance Services

Item 321

Item 321

First Year - FY2001Second Year - FY2002
Continuing Income Assistance Services (46100)$1,583,027
Regular Assisted Living Payments for Residents of Adult Homes (46105)FY2001 $1,583,027
FY2002 $1,612,952
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2001 $1,583,027
FY2002 $1,612,952

Authority: Title 63.1, Chapter 9, Code of Virginia.

A. The Department of Medical Assistance Services is authorized to provide coverage of payments for individuals receiving Auxiliary Grant or General Relief payments in licensed Adult Care Residences when those individuals meet the criteria established by the Department of Medical Assistance Services for such payments. Individuals entitled to assisted living benefits under this section are not entitled to benefits under Item 319.

B.1. The Department of Medical Assistance Services shall continue to reimburse for personal care services for those individuals who were covered under its Intensive Assisted Living Waiver as of March 17, 2000. This service coverage will be provided with the general fund appropriation in the amount of $1,637,997 in FY 2001 and $1,588,833 in FY 2002 included in the Continuing Income Assistance Services Program.

2. The Department shall not admit any new individuals to this service and upon the transferring out or the expiration of the last covered individual, this service shall cease to be covered. To continue to receive this service, the covered individuals must continue to meet the intensive assisted living criteria. Individuals who no longer meet the intensive assisted living criteria and are transferred out of this service shall lose eligibility for this service.

3. Individuals desiring to be admitted to this service shall not have the right to appeal the non-availability of this service nor of the loss of any future general fund appropriation. The Department shall promulgate revised regulations, pursuant to the appropriate requirements of the Administrative Process Act, §9-6.14.1, Code of Virginia, consistent with this funding change and program termination.