1998 Special Session I

Budget Bill - SB4001 (Introduced)

First Year - FY1999Second Year - FY2000
Total For Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services$36,987,716$41,160,839
General Fund Positions267.57268.57
Nongeneral Fund Positions10.4310.43
Position Level278.00279.00
Fund Sources:
Federal Trust$15,733,176$15,741,570
Grand Totals For Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services includes Catawba Hospital, Central State Hospital, Central Virginia Training Center, DeJarnette Center, Eastern State Hospital, Grants to Localities, Hiram W. Davis Medical Center, Northern Virginia Mental Health Institute, Northern Virginia Training Center, Piedmont Geriatric Hospital, Southeastern Virginia Training Center, Southern Virginia Mental Health Institute, Southside Virginia Training Center, Southwestern Virginia Mental Health Institute, Southwestern Virginia Training Center, Western State Hospital$1,258,213,418$1,265,649,702
General Fund Positions13,430.1613,432.16
Nongeneral Fund Positions6,531.846,531.84
Position Level19,962.0019,964.00
Fund Sources:
Federal Trust$59,732,985$59,737,182