1998 Special Session I

Budget Bill - SB4001 (Introduced)

Central Capital Outlay

Item C-7

Item C-7

A. There is hereby reappropriated:

1. the appropriations unexpended at the close of the previous biennium in the appropriations and reappropriations in Items C-1 through C-5.10 made by Chapter 924, Acts of Assembly of 1997, and

2. the appropriations unexpended at the close of the previous biennium of any amount transferred from Items C-1 through C-5.10 to any capital project established by authority of the Governor which conforms to the conditions in Paragraph B below.

B. Upon certification by the Director, Department of Planning and Budget, there is hereby reappropriated the appropriations unexpended at the close of the previous biennium for all authorized capital projects which meet any of the following conditions:

1. Construction is in progress.

2. Equipment purchases have been authorized by the Governor but not received.

3. Plans and specifications have been authorized by the Governor but not completed.

4. Obligations were outstanding at the end of the previous biennium.