1997 1

Budget Bill - HB1600 (Introduced)

Item 333 Amendments

First Year - FY1997Second Year - FY1998
Committee Approved
333#1hRoanoke Valley Child & Adol. Crisis Stabilization (Language Only)
333#2hMHMRSAS Treatment Svs. in Jails$0$1,000,000
333#3hCSB GF Restoration$0$400,000
333#4hMHMRSAS Community Residential Svs.$0$250,000
333#5h"Ships at Sea" Drug Abuse Treatment$0$75,000
333#6hHope Center for Women Drug Trmt.$0$75,000
333#7hReview of Medicaid Rates for SPO Svs. (Language Only)
333#8hMental Retardation Waiver Services$0$1,545,754
Conference Report
333#1cRoanoke Valley Child & Adol. Crisis Stabilization (Language Only)
333#2cMHMRSAS Treatment Svs. in Jails$0$1,000,000
333#3cPACT Services at MHMR Facilities (Language Only)
333#4cHope Center for Women Drug Trmt.$0$75,000
333#5cReview of Medicaid Rates for SPO Svs. (Language Only)
333#6cMental Retardation Waiver Services$0$1,545,754
333#7cResidential Care-Mentally Disabled$0$2,000,000
333#8cMedicaid Delay-Funds for CSBs$600,000$0
333#9cFamily Support Program$0$300,000