1997 Session

Budget Bill - SB700 (Introduced)

Division of Institutions

Item 456

Item 456

First Year - FY1997Second Year - FY1998
Administrative and Support Services (31900)$10,948,605$10,947,282
General Management and Direction (31901)FY1997 $5,881,360FY1998 $5,880,037
Medical Management and Direction (31911)FY1997 $5,016,906FY1998 $5,016,906
Physical Plant Services (31915)FY1997 $50,339FY1998 $50,339
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY1997 $10,948,605FY1998 $10,947,282

Authority: § 53.1-12, Code of Virginia.

The Director of Corrections shall provide a progress report November 1st of each year to the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission, the Department of Planning and Budget and the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees on efforts to address the findings and recommendations in the Commission's report titled: Review of Inmate Medical Care and DOC Management of Health Services.