1997 Session

Budget Bill - SB700 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Department of State Police

Item 449

Item 449

First Year - FY1997Second Year - FY1998
Crime Detection, Investigation, and Apprehension (30400)$103,745,598$100,537,167
Investigation and Arrest (30406)FY1997 $26,498,224FY1998 $26,550,074
Highway Patrol Services (30407)FY1997 $77,247,374FY1998 $73,987,093
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY1997 $88,979,825
FY1998 $84,996,139
SpecialFY1997 $9,424,997FY1998 $10,200,252
Commonwealth TransportationFY1997 $5,340,776
FY1998 $5,340,776
Trust and AgencyFY1997 $0FY1998 $20,000

Authority: §§ 27-56, 33.1-292, 52-1, 52-4, 52-4.3, 52-8, 52-8.1, 52-8.2, and 56-334, Code of Virginia.

A. The Department shall provide a report on the utilization and performance of the positions provided in this and previous biennia for violent crime strike forces and for the state/local anti-crime partnership to the Governor and Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by October 1 of each year.

B. Included in this appropriation is $1,551,360 from non-general funds in the first year and $1,333,292 the second year from nongeneral funds for replacement of motor vehicles.