1997 Session

Budget Bill - SB700 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Department of Health

Item 313

Item 313

First Year - FY1997Second Year - FY1998
State Health Services (43000)$27,014,256$26,335,791
Child Development Services (43002)FY1997 $3,241,181FY1998 $3,241,181
Children's Specialty Services (43003)FY1997 $7,686,655FY1998 $7,686,655
Family Planning Services (43005)FY1997 $7,470,228FY1998 $7,268,425
Maternal and Child Health Services (43008)FY1997 $6,166,137FY1998 $5,701,137
State Health Services Technical Support and Administration (43012)FY1997 $2,450,055FY1998 $2,438,393
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY1997 $7,035,843FY1998 $6,822,378
SpecialFY1997 $3,948,602FY1998 $3,948,602
Federal TrustFY1997 $16,029,811FY1998 $15,564,811

Authority: §§ 32.1-11, 32.1-77, and 32.1-89 through 32.1-90, Code of Virginia; and P.L. 94-566, as amended, Title V of the U.S. Social Security Act and Title X of the U.S. Public Health Service Act, Federal Code.

A. Health programs which improve pregnancy outcomes shall be assigned a high priority within the Department of Health. The Commissioner shall assure that adequate prenatal care services, to include early identification and management of intermediate and high risk patients, are available to low-income pregnant women through the appropriate state program. Recommendations of the Maternal and Child Health Council shall guide the Department of Health in assessing the adequacy of prenatal care services.

B. Out of this appropriation, $300,000 from the general fund and $1,100,000 from nongeneral funds and 28 FTEs the first year and $300,000 from the general fund and $1,100,000 from nongeneral funds and 28 FTEs the second year are provided for the operation of teenage pregnancy prevention programs in the health districts of Richmond, Norfolk, Alexandria, Roanoke City, Crater, Portsmouth, and Eastern Shore. The Department of Health shall evaluate these programs to ensure that the prevention methodologies are successful and transferable to other health districts. Results of a continuing evaluation shall be reported to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by January 1 of each year.

C. Notwithstanding § 4-1.03 of this act, general fund and nongeneral fund appropriations for the Resource Mothers Program shall not be transferred to support other public health programs or any other purpose.

D. Any funds originally budgeted for hemophilia clotting factor treatment which are unexpended as of June 30, 1997, shall be reappropriated in the second year to be used for AIDS treatment services to hemophiliacs.

E. The Commissioner of Health shall report to the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees on the progress and accomplishments of a pilot project to promote fatherhood responsibility by December 1, 1996.