Item 113 | First Year - FY1997 | Second Year - FY1998 |
Plant Pest and Disease Control (53500) | $3,595,570 $3,506,070 | $3,608,116 $3,479,116 |
Plant Pest Survey and Control (53504) | FY1997 $2,152,870 | FY1998 $2,165,416 $2,215,416 |
Financial Assistance for Gypsy Moth Control (53506) | FY1997 $1,442,700 $1,353,200 | FY1998 $1,442,700 $1,263,700 |
Fund Sources: | | |
General | FY1997 $1,971,220 $1,881,720 | FY1998 $1,983,766 $1,854,766 |
Special | FY1997 $409,150 | FY1998 $409,150 |
Federal Trust | FY1997 $1,215,200 | FY1998 $1,215,200 |
Authority: Title 3.1, Chapters 13, 17, 17.2, 22.1, 22.2, 38, and 39; Title 15.1, Chapter 18, Code of Virginia.
Out of the amounts for Plant Pest Survey and Control, $50,000 in the second year from the general fund shall be paid to the Lake Anna Advisory Committee for hydrilla control and removal at Lake Anna.