Item C-17.10 | First Year - FY1997 | Second Year - FY1998 |
New Construction: Economic Development/Business Technology Building, Mountain Empire Community Coll (15323) | $1,250,000 | $0 |
Fund Sources: | | |
Special | FY1997 $1,250,000 | FY1998 $0 |
The source for this appropriation is funds of the Virginia Public Building Authority. The Governor shall authorize the initiation of this project upon certification to him by the Virginia Public Building Authority that: an arbitrage rebate liability calculation has been completed, an affirmative opinion of bond counsel has been received, and excess bond proceeds of the Authority are available. The first priority for expenditure of any such excess proceeds shall be the project listed in this item, and the projects listed in Items C-17.95 (Virginia Community College System), C-32.50 (The College of William and Mary in Virginia), C-26.20 (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University), C-32.18 (George Mason University), C-36.22 (Norfolk State University), C-36.45 (Longwood College) and C-45.20 (Virginia State University).