State Education Services for Adult Education (1910400): §§ 22.1-223 through 22.1-236, Code of Virginia; Part B., P.L. 100-297, as amended, P.L. 102-73, Adult Education Act.
State Education Services for Research, Testing and Evaluation (1910700): § 22.1-19, Code of Virginia; Article VIII, Section 2, Constitution of Virginia.
State Education Services for Public School Support (1910800): §§ 22.1-16, 22.1-138 through 22.1-141, 22.1-186, 22.1-238 through 22.1-253, 22.1-346 through 22.1-357, Code of Virginia.
State Education Services for Early Childhood (1910900): §§ 22.1-199 through 22.1-221, Code of Virginia.
State Education for Preadolescent (1911000): §§ 22.1-200 through 22.1-221, Code of Virginia.
State Education Services for Adolescent (1911100): §§ 22.1-200 through 22.1-221; § 22.1-22.1; §§ 22.1-228 through 22.237, Code of Virginia.
State Education Services for Regional Services (1911200): §§ 22.1-213 through 22.1-221, Code of Virginia.
Virginia Business-Education Partnership Program (1911700): §§ 9-325 through 9-329, Chapter 41, Code of Virginia.
A. The Superintendent of Public Instruction is encouraged to implement school/community team training.
B. The appropriation for State Education Regional Services includes $55,000 the first year and $55,000 the second year from the general fund to provide technical assistance to localities in developing a comprehensive, coordinated, quality preschool program for serving at-risk four-year-old children.
C. Out of the amounts for State Education Services, $97,948 and two positions from the general fund and $25,000 from nongeneral funds the first year and $97,948 and two positions from the general fund and $25,000 from nongeneral funds the second year are provided for the Virginia Business-Education Partnership Program.
D. Out of the amounts for State Education Services, $296,000 the first year and $296,000 the second year from the general fund is provided for the Virginia VIEWS Program.
E. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall provide direction and technical assistance to local school divisions in the revision of their Vocational Education curriculum and instructional practices.
F. The Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Department of Education, with the cooperation of the Departments of Medical Assistance Services, Social Services, Health, and Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services, shall report on the status of certain medically fragile children, defined in Senate Document No. 5, 1995, as children with one or more conditions who require continuous ongoing specialized health care. The report shall address:
1. The identification of a mechanism for reporting on the number, location, and placement of such children.
2. The assignment of responsibility for the provision of educational services for such children.
3. The assignment of responsibility for the payment of educational services for such children.
4. Recommendations for any statutory or funding changes to be considered by the 1997 General Assembly.
The report shall be submitted to the Commission for Persons with Physical and Sensory Disabilities, and the Chairmen of the Senate Committees on Education and Health and Finance and the House Committees of Education and Appropriations by November 1, 1996.
G.1. The Department of Education, in cooperation with the Departments of Health and Medical Assistance Services, shall develop a monitoring system to identify those medically fragile students with one or more conditions requiring continuous, on-going specialized health care procedures living in a licensed nursing home or long-stay acute hospital whose parent or legal guardian is a resident of Virginia and for whom Virginia has an educational responsibility. The Department of Education shall, as a part of this system, designate the office within the Department of Education which shall be responsible for tracking these data.
2. The Department of Education shall report to the Governor and to the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees and the Commission on the Coordination of the Delivery of Services to Facilitate the Self-sufficiency and Support of Persons with Physical and Sensory Disabilities by October 1, 1997, with the appropriate system information and projected budget needs to fulfill this requirement in the 1998-2000 biennium.
G. H. The Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State Treasurer shall study the feasibility of establishing an Elementary and Secondary Education Equipment Trust Fund with purposes similar to the Higher Education Equipment Trust Fund, and make recommendations to the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees no later than November 1, 1996. The recommendations shall include, but not be limited to, the following: strategies for providing a continuing and stable funding level for the purchase, lease and/or replacement of educational technology equipment and infrastructure in Virginia's public schools, including the feasibility and cost of direct appropriations for replacement costs through the Standards of Quality funding formula; potential sources of security for a financing program; the appropriate structure for administration of a program; appropriate levels of funding anticipated through the year 2000; the impact of a financing program on the Commonwealth's debt capacity and strategies for minimizing such an impact; and the potential state and local costs of such a program.
H. I. Out of the amounts for State Education Services, $6,003,000 the first year and $6,003,000 the second year from the general fund are provided for the development and administration of new assessment materials and tests related to the Standards of Learning. Data generated from these new assessment materials or tests during 1996-97 shall be used only to determine the validity and reliability of the assessment materials and tests. The data generated from these new assessment materials or tests shall not be used to impose any school division, school, teacher or student level consequences. Nothing in the Virginia Freedom of Information Act or any other provision of state law shall afford public access to the data generated during 1996-97 from these new assessment materials or tests. Release of data from "norm-referenced" tests or the Literacy Passport tests administered during the same period shall not be affected by this provision.
I VETO THIS ITEM /s/ GEORGE ALLEN (3/24/97) (Vetoed item is enclosed in brackets.)
[ I. J. Upon the passage by eighty-five or more local school boards of resolutions requesting such, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall, on behalf of local school divisions, apply by June 30, 1996 for federal funds as specified by the local resolution which are, or may become available pursuant to federal legislation to support local school division efforts in the areas of teacher training, curriculum development and the purchase of instructional materials related to implementing the Standards of Learning. No funds received under this provision shall be retained by the State Department of Education but all such funds shall be distributed to requesting local school divisions pursuant to the requirements of the federal program. For purposes of this item, the Superintendent of Public Instruction is hereby designated as the "State Educational Agency" under the provisions of any such federal legislation and any successor act or amendment thereto. The provisions of this paragraph shall be effective upon passage of this act. ]
J. K. The appropriation for State Education Regional Services includes $50,000 the first year and $50,000 the second year from the general fund to provide technical assistance and assessment services to localities implementing truancy intervention/safe schools projects.
K. L. Out of the amounts for State Education Regional Services, $25,000 the first year from the general fund is provided for regional parental/community involvement summits. The summits shall be led by the Virginia Congress of Parents and Teachers with the cooperation of the Superintendent of Public Instruction; the Virginia Association of Elementary School Principals; the Virginia Association of Secondary School Principals; the Virginia Association of School Superintendents; the Virginia Education Association; the Virginia Middle School Association; the Virginia School Boards Association; and others designated by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
M. Out of the amounts for State Education Services, $50,800 and one position in the second year from the general fund shall be provided for a school health specialist. The position shall be filled by a masters degree prepared nurse with expertise in school health services.
N. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall examine various models for predicting local school enrollments. If the examination results in a model that is reliable and valid for predicting such enrollments, the resulting model will be disseminated to local school divisions for planning purposes.
O. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall provide a report on expulsion and suspension rates by local school divisions in relation to disparity indicators. The Superintendent shall report his findings to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations, House Education, Senate Finance, and Senate Education and Health Committees by December 1 each year.
P. The Superintendent of Public Instruction, in cooperation with the Commissioner of Social Services, shall encourage local departments of social services and local school divisions to work together to explore the feasibility of cooperative arrangements for the use of school resources, especially computer labs, for the purpose of training Temporary Assistance to Needy Families recipients for the workforce. The Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Commissioner of Social Services shall jointly report on the progress of this initiative to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations, House Education, House Health, Welfare and Institutions, Senate Finance, Senate Education and Health, and Senate Rehabilitation and Social Services Committees by January 1, 1998.
Q. The Department of Education, in cooperation with the Department of General Services, shall study the feasibility of providing statewide contracts for local school divisions to use for the purchase of technology equipment. The Department shall report its findings to the Superintendent and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees no later than October 15, 1997.