1996 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Department of Environmental Quality

Item 411

Item 411

First Year - FY1997Second Year - FY1998
Environmental Technical and Financial Assistance (51500)$54,910,383$54,910,383
Litter Control and Recycling Activities (51501)FY1997 $2,115,236FY1998 $2,115,236
Financial Assistance for Environmental Resources Management (51502)FY1997 $1,329,354FY1998 $1,329,354
Construction Assistance Loans and Grants (51503)FY1997 $50,000,000FY1998 $50,000,000
Financial Assistance for Water Quality (51504)FY1997 $436,780FY1998 $436,780
Construction Assistance (51505)FY1997 $745,975FY1998 $745,975
Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator and Management Assistance (51506)FY1997 $196,824FY1998 $196,824
Prevention of and Response to Chemical Emergencies (51508)FY1997 $86,214FY1998 $86,214
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY1997 $228,409FY1998 $228,409
SpecialFY1997 $15,300FY1998 $15,300
Dedicated Special RevenueFY1997 $4,086,695FY1998 $4,086,695
Federal TrustFY1997 $50,579,979FY1998 $50,579,979

Authority: Title 10.1, Chapters 11, 14 and 15, Title 44, Chapter 3.5, Title 62.1, Chapter 3.1, 22, 24, and 25, Code of Virginia.

A. The June 30, 1996 and June 30, 1997 unexpended balances for Construction Assistance are hereby reappropriated.

B. The Department of Environmental Quality, as part of its regular water testing program, shall provide $8,000 the first year and $8,000 the second year to the Smith Mountain Lake Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Project. The funds will be used to take samples from the lake to test water quality and chemical content.