2022 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: McClellan
Advanced Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Cluster

Item 113 #5s

Item 113 #5s

First Year - FY2023 Second Year - FY2024
Commerce and Trade
Economic Development Incentive Payments FY2023 $35,000,000 FY2024 $0 GF

Page 93, line 24, strike "$99,583,083" and insert "$134,583,083".

Page 95, after line 47, insert:

"P. 1. Out of the appropriation for this Item, $35,000,000 the first year from the general fund  shall be disbursed to the Virginia Biotechnology Research Partnership Authority to support the  scale-up of a Virginia pharmaceutical research, development, and manufacturing cluster (Cluster) in the Greater Richmond and the Greater Petersburg MSA. The Authority shall use the funds as follows:

2. Of the amounts provided in paragraph P.1., $20,000,000 the first year shall be used to help fund the construction of a life sciences lab building located at the Virginia Biotech Park in the City of Richmond.  

3. Of the amounts provided in paragraph P.1., $15,000,000 the first year shall be used to administer a one-time grant program designed to fund a key starting materials pilot project located in the cluster. At a minimum, criteria to  award the grant must include: (i) the company is headquartered in Virginia; and (ii) the  company has a chemical industrial site to stand up the program in either the Richmond Regional  Planning District or the Crater Planning District. The pilot project will fund the initial costs of key  starting materials reactors, a centrifuge, and a dryer."


(This amendment provides $35.0 million GF in the first year to construct a life sciences lab building at the Virginia BioTech Park in the regional cluster. The new facility would immediately accommodate the companies interested in relocating to the regional cluster to engage in research and co-develop the cluster's end-to-end supply chain and provide capacity to house university spinouts in life sciences. The amendment also provides general funds support for a key starting materials pilot project.)