2022 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Floor Approved)

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VEC: JLARC Recommendation #14 (language only)

Item 370 #4s

Item 370 #4s

Virginia Employment Commission


Page 401, after line 13, insert:

"I. The Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) shall develop a detailed plan that includes specific actions and a timeline to resolve outstanding adjudications and all issues on claims that VEC bypassed in 2020 and 2021. The plan should quantify the numbers and qualifications of new staff needed to resolve these claims, outline the actions planned for hiring needed staff, and identify potential risks and mitigation strategies. The VEC shall submit the plan to the House Commerce and Energy Committee, the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee, the Commission on Unemployment Compensation, and the Governor by November 1, 2022, and provide a status update to each body quarterly. The VEC shall also publish the plan and subsequent updates on its website."


(This amendment directs the Virginia Employment Commission to develop a remediation plan for outstanding adjudication and claims issues and provide quarterly status reporting to the General Assembly, consistent with Recommendation 14 of the JLARC Report, "Operations and Performance of the Virginia Employment Commission," from November 2021.)