2022 Session

Budget Amendments - SB29 (Committee Approved)

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VEC: Corrective Action Planning

Item 111.10 #1s

Item 111.10 #1s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Commerce and Trade
Secretary of Labor FY2021 $0 FY2022 $500,000 GF

Page 27, line 4, strike "$599,192" and insert "$1,099,192".

Page 27, line 4, strike "Not set out." and insert:

Amendment Drawn to Chapter 552

Page 116, after line 56, insert:

"F.1 The Secretary of Labor shall prioritize improvements and modernization of the Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) as outlined in the November 2021 JLARC Report, "Operations and Performance of the Virginia Employment Commission," including an analysis of the report's 40 recommendations and 10 policy options. Emphasis shall be placed on improving customer service and interactions with the public in the immediate time frame while still dealing with pandemic-related issues and long-range plans to improve the transparency of processes and services. Additional focus shall be placed on (i) overall funding and management of the Unemployment Insurance (UI) trust; (ii) reviewing benefit levels for income replacement; (iii) ensuring appropriate staffing levels and well-trained personnel; and (iv) addressing technology needs. The current backlog of 2020 and 2021 claims shall be expedited for resolution immediately, including but not limited to resolving any outstanding claims; accounting for overpayments or inappropriate payments; and improving processes to prevent fraud and better identify valid claims.

2. The Secretary of Labor shall competitively procure a national firm with expertise in evaluating the efficiency of an organization's staffing structure, delegation of staff duties, and work processes to conduct a comprehensive efficiency review of the UI operations of the Virginia Employment Commission to (i) identify specific actions that could be taken to improve the efficiency of VEC's UI operations, including through more efficient and effective use of staff and technology; (ii) recommend improvements to the agency's staffing and workflows to most effectively use existing federal funding for UI operations; and (iii) determine whether current funding is adequate to ensure effective UI operations. The Secretary shall issue an interim report of its findings and recommendations to the General Assembly no later than December 1, 2022, and a final report no later than September 1, 2023."


(This amendment provides funding for the Secretary of Labor to competitively procure a comprehensive efficiency review of the operations of the Virginia Employment Commission consistent with Recommendation 1 of the JLARC Report, "Operations and Performance of the Virginia Employment Commission," from November 2021.)