2022 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: DeSteph
School Resource Officers (SB 415)

Item 408 #1s

Item 408 #1s

First Year - FY2023 Second Year - FY2024
Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Criminal Justice Services FY2023 $23,519,846 FY2024 $23,519,846 GF

Page 435, line 32, strike "$167,416,051" and insert "$190,935,897".
Page 435, line 32, strike "$163,416,051" and insert "$186,935,897".

Page 437, line 50, after "appropriation," strike "$4,700,000" and insert "$28,219,846".

Page 437, line 50, after "first year and" strike "$4,700,000" and insert "$28,219,846".

Page 438, after line 6, insert:

"c. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection B of § 9.1-110, Code of Virginia, $23,519,846 the first year and $23,519,846 the second year is provided for the local match required by such subsection."


(This amendment provides an additional $23.5 million each year from the general fund for the School Resource Officer Incentive Grants Fund administered by the Department of Criminal Justice Services. The intent is to cover the local match required by § 9.1-110 in the Code of Virginia for schools that do not currently have a school resource officer. This amendment is associated with Senate Bill 415, which would require each school board to enter into a collaborative agreement with the local law-enforcement agency to employ at least one school resource officer in every public elementary and secondary school in the local school division.)