2022 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Floor Approved)

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Virginia Center for Firearm Violence Intervention and Prevention (language only)

Item 408 #6s

Item 408 #6s

Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Criminal Justice Services


Page 439, line 40, after "N." insert "1.".

Page 439, after line 42, insert:

"The Center shall serve as a resource for research, data, strategies, and best practices for firearm violence intervention and prevention programs in the Commonwealth.

The Center shall: (i) operate a research center and clearinghouse for data regarding firearm violence intervention and prevention; (ii) share such data among agencies and organizations involved in firearm violence and suicide intervention and prevention; (iii) develop and publish best practices for establishing firearm violence and suicide intervention and prevention programs; (iv) facilitate coordination between and provide technical assistance to organizations involved in firearm intervention and prevention; (v) establish training standards and publish model policies for law enforcement personnel; (vi) apply for and accept grants from the federal government and other sources; and, (vii) administer the grant funds included in this appropriation.

2.a. Of this amount, $2,500,000 the first year and $2,500,000 the second year shall be deposited into the Operation Ceasefire Grant Fund, administered by the Department. Moneys in the Fund shall be used solely for the purposes of implementing violent crime reduction strategies, providing training for law-enforcement officers and prosecutors, providing equipment for law-enforcement agencies, and awarding grants to organizations such as state and local law-enforcement agencies, local attorneys for the Commonwealth, localities, social services providers, and nonprofit organizations that are engaged in group violence intervention efforts.

b. Of this amount, $7,500,000 the first year and $7,500,000 the second year shall be deposited into the Firearm Violence Intervention and Prevention Fund, administered by the Department. Moneys in the Fund shall be used to provide grants to local government agencies, community-based organizations, and hospitals for the purpose of supporting implementation of evidence-informed gun violence intervention and prevention efforts, including street outreach, hospital-based violence intervention, and group violence intervention programs. Grant funds shall also support firearm suicide prevention and safe firearm removal practices from persons prohibited from possessing a firearm, including subjects of domestic violence protective orders, persons convicted of prohibitory crimes, and persons subject to Substantial Risk Orders.

c. The Department shall coordinate with the Department of Veterans Services, Department of Health, Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, Department of Education, and Department of Social Services to identify and serve target populations, including, but not limited to, veterans and survivors of domestic violence.

3. The Center shall report annually on or before October 1 to the Governor and the General Assembly on its activities for the year and any recommendations to address firearm violence within the Commonwealth."


(This amendment maintains the $24.7 million included in the introduced budget for a new Virginia Center for Firearm Violence Intervention and Prevention. Of $10.0 million GF each year in grant funding administered by the Department of Criminal Justice Services, the amendment directs $2.5 million each year to the Operation Ceasefire Grant Fund and $7.5 million each year to the Firearm Violence Intervention and Prevention Grant Fund. The amendment establishes that the Center shall serve as a resource for research, data, and best practices on firearm prevention and intervention. The Department is directed to coordinate with other relevant agencies to identify and serve target populations, including, but not limited to, veterans and survivors of domestic violence. The Center shall report annually on recommendations to address firearm violence in the Commonwealth.)