2022 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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Subcommittee to Monitor VEC Performance (language only)

Item 1 #4h

Item 1 #4h

Legislative Department
General Assembly of Virginia


Page 9, after line 42 insert:

"R. The Commission on Unemployment Compensation shall form a subcommittee to monitor the Virginia Employment Commission's: (i) key performance metrics related to unemployment insurance backlogs; (ii) efforts to identify, prevent, and recover incorrect unemployment insurance benefits payments, including fraudulent payments; (iii) project to modernize the unemployment insurance information technology system and subsequent efforts to improve its functionality; (iv) expenditures of state funds appropriated for unemployment insurance administration; and (v) implementation of Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission recommendations. The subcommittee shall include individuals who represent the interests and experiences of claimants and employers, and shall include at least one member of the following General Assembly Committees: Commission on Unemployment Compensation, House Appropriations, Senate Finance and Appropriations, House Labor and Energy, and Senate Commerce and Labor. The subcommittee should meet at least once quarterly and sunset on June 30, 2025 and shall report at least annually beginning December 1, 2022 to those committees."


(This amendment provides language directing the Commission to form a subcommittee to monitor performance of the Virginia Employment Commission. This amendment is in response to a recommendation by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission. This language is being proposed under Item 1 in accordance with a new streamlining effort to place legislative commissions without separate staffing under Item 1.)