2021 Session

Budget Amendments - SB1100 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Norment
Co-Patron(s): Mason
CO - CWM - Integrated Science Center Phase 4 Authorization and Funding

Item C-68.50 #4s

Item C-68.50 #4s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Central Appropriations
Central Capital Outlay FY2021 $76,580,000 FY2022 $0 NGF

Page 637, line 17, strike "$0" and insert "$76,580,000".

Page 638, after line 46, insert:

"204  The College of William and Mary   Construct Integrated Science Center, Phase IV (18329)"


(This amendment provides authorization and funding to construct Phase 4 of the Integrated Science Center (ISC). This facility completes the ISC complex and will house several academic departments focused on scientific and technology-related disciplines, including computer science and data science. STEM and other computational programs are in high demand at the university. Completion of the ISC will foster collaboration across key academic areas and provide essential space for these growing departments. The 2016 General Assembly authorized detailed planning for the project with use of university funds and preliminary design is complete. Additionally, the university’s Tech Talent Investment Program (TTIP) agreement with the Commonwealth provided $1.565M in supplemental funding for Phase 4 of the ISC but General Assembly authorization and funding is required before the supplemental funds can be deployed. Further delaying construction will result in added cost due to escalation. This project is critical to the university’s commitment to meeting the targets set forth in its TTIP agreement and to supporting the Commonwealth’s broader workforce needs for high demand fields.)