2021 Session

Budget Amendments - SB1100 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Edwards
CO - VT Ext. - Improve Research Facilities

Item C-68.50 #2s

Item C-68.50 #2s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Central Appropriations
Central Capital Outlay FY2021 $0 FY2022 $26,900,000 GF

Page 637, line 17, strike "$11,738,921" and insert "$38,638,921".

Page 638, after line 46, insert:

"229  Virginia Cooperative Extension & Agricultural Experiment Station       Improve Research Facilities"


(This amendment provides authorization and funding for the Virginia Cooperative Extension & Agricultural Experiment Station's (Agency 229) Improve Research Facilities capital project, including the Improve Center Woods Complex and Improve System-wide Agricultural Research and Extension Centers subprojects. The estimated total project costs are $26.9 million and the funding plan calls for 100 percent general fund support, including planning funds for $1.8 million to complete design work through preliminary designs.)